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For many people, excess fat and loose skin go hand in hand. Tickle Tite is an exciting treatment option that can address both of those issues. Combining BodyTite and Tickle Lipo, this skin tightening procedure can leave your skin firmer, smoother, and healthier looking.

What Are Tickle Lipo and BodyTite?

Tickle Lipo is a gentler way of performing liposuction. Rather than manually breaking up the fat to be removed, low-frequency infrasonic vibration is used instead. This causes much less damage and makes the whole procedure easier. You are left with less swelling, bruising, and recovery time than with traditional liposuction.

BodyTite is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes radiofrequency waves in order to further break up the fat. It also helps your skin tighten up after the fat is removed, which is why it is a great skin tightening option for those bothered by loose skin.

What to Expect with Tickle Tite Treatments

This safe and easy procedure is done right in the comfort of our office using a local anesthetic. You will be awake and aware during the entire procedure. Afterward, you are able to get up and walk around as soon as you want to. You will want someone there to drive you home, however. A compression garment may need to be worn for the first week after your procedure.

Why Choose Tickle Tite?

People love this skin tightening treatment for many reasons. Although this is not a great option for those looking to lose a lot of weight, it is very effective for body contouring while tightening up the skin. Some of the biggest reasons to consider this treatment include:

  • The results are permanent. Destroyed/removed fat cells never grow back.
  • It can target pockets of stubborn fat that are otherwise hard to treat.
  • It is much less invasive than traditional liposuction.
  • There is no need to “go under” for this procedure.
  • Tissue damage is minimized, making recovery quicker and easier
  • Due to how gentle it is, it can be done on sensitive areas like the neck and chest.

This is a great treatment for someone committed to a healthy lifestyle. Being near your goal weight and already following a healthy diet and exercise plan can improve your results greatly.

If you are someone who is near their body goal but can use a little help with skin tightening, it may be time to learn more about Tickle Tite at Zelko Aesthetics. This procedure can be just what you need in order to reach your body goals. We are conveniently located in Greenfield and Westmont, IL. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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